Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The REAL definition of "mean".

I just got a call from Maria, about what one boy from my class did in facebook. He wrote a note saying that I was mean or something and that he wanted people to delete me from their friends list. well.. ermm.. I just couldn't say anything. And, ifyou're reading this maria, I wasn't silent because I was mad. Why would I be mad because someone thinks I'm mean? It's because i was crying.Suddenly tears were dropping from my eyes :( Remember what I wrote in my profile "about me" section? I wrote that I was sensitive, and this proves it. I'm just TOO sensitive at times. But really, HE'S mean. I deleted him from my friend's list because he was just TOO mean. He wrote bad things in my walls, he commented on every posts which I published.Not everything, but most of them. So that's why I deleted him. But writing a note tagging everyone about how mean I AM? That's just too much. I thought about why he would do that after the phone call with maria, and figured, it's either he REALLY REALLY hates me for some reason I don't know, or he's trying to seek attention. HONESTLY, I don't do anything to him. && apparantly, some people have already decided to delete me. Well, I figured something out : If one note could change their minds just like a blink of an eye, then they are NOT my friends.

I don't talk back to them when they call me names in school. I don't even swear at them. This doesn't even make sense. If maybe this is a joke(probably not) and they're thinking 'why is kimmy taking everything so seriously?', I'm thinking 'well, why are you guys taking everything as a joke?'. This joke(if it is) isn't even funny.

I think the TRUE definition of mean is... NOT being nice. which I don't think I'm an expert at-although I do tend to be a little mean-. just like what maria said. But really.. Being mean isn't a choice. It's something inside us, we just control the amount that comes out. And the way HE's controlling it right now.. I can see.. it's overflowing.



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