stefano was here. : ) and akmal. as always.
Still no cars...... yet.
Here comes 2 cars!
Nice treeee :)
In the city, well, there were quite alot of vehicles..
A big fat cloud which I would love to eat.
Sometimes I wonder, could this be the gate to heaven?
This pink tree is really eye-catching.More pink trees!
and more..
One big fountain + random people.
Inside pavillion. Love those huge lanterns
and the zig-zag escalator :)
Really.. omg. there's a brand called PARIS HILTON? What's so good about her? no offence.
T.G.I FRIDAYS = some yummy place.
Love that guitar! purple + a good shape.
Cute cakes! After I took this picture, I realised that there was a sign which said "no camera". heeeheheheeh.
Pretty flowers on valentines dayy.
CANDIESS! Don't really like these though..
I heart this yummy caramel ice cream!
It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! :D
My brother bought "Grease" (the dvd) so I watched it when I came back home. Honestly.. It wasn't good.AT ALL. Too much smoking people + kissing people. Not what I would call a good movie. The songs were quite good though!
Beautiful lights at night :)
do you see me? :)
Another reason why I liked this movie was because.. chinese warriors(? or soldiers, i don't know, people who can really fight) with long hair really grabs my attention :D They look pretty good aka. handsome(somehand)! And this dude in the movie was kinda good looking. teeee heeeee~ There's nothing better than good looking people + a good story line!
Don't you just love these things that look so real?
This is even better! Po looks so real.
OMGOMG. This huge heart is so pretty :) Mostly because taylor swift is in it! I wanna watch this movie so bad!
Yeap.Close up AGAIN. I like close ups :D
OBVIOUSLY, there HAS to be a pic of kimmy CHEESING like this one below:)
The teaser poster.
Logan Lerman aka.Percy Jackson :D awww so damn cuteeee!
Alexanda Daddario aka.Annabeth :) She looks like selena gomez in the movie FYI!