Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My computer broke yesterday.

Hi. Well, my computer broke yesterday. I won't go into the details of why, when, how or whatever but.. anyways.. IT BROKE. but now it's all right again :) So here I am, using the computer to update the details of what happened YESTERDAY.


well.. It COULD HAVE BEEN an awesome day. I have tons of awesome-ness with my friends and all, but why did I write that? It's because yesterday was the day that we were supposed to go to camp, but unfortunately, it was postponed to May because of some technical/natural/native/ whatever error. Error?Okay.. I'm using weird words today but.. just keep reading on! :)

Remember how I was pretty much panicking because of my history test? Guess what? It turned out to be close to easy! It wasn't all like those creepy test papers you do where you just stare blank, either wanting to sleep, or putting your hand on your chin waiting for something to get to you -but nothing does. After history class, we had maths. I love maths. NOT maths, but.. MATHS- as in the class- mostly because mr.Vicky -who I call mr.valu all the time due to some weird reasons- is our teacher! He's a really funny person wannabe teacher. He TRIES to be funny.well, he's gotta work harder ;) but, that's the best part of him.He tries to be funny to reach our little humourous minds! We High-5 when we walk past each other, oh come on, he's only in his twenties! He has SOME time to live a life like us-high fiving,peace sign etc.-! *jokes jokes*
Talking about teachers, there's also one more teacher whom I want to tell you guys about. He's my art teacher in my school and.. well.. he's the TOTAL opposite from Mr.V. Trust me, he can be funny and be REALLY REALLY REALLY good at comebacks, but he can be annoying & he lies! He told my whole class that my brother said that I happen to fart(?!?!?!?!? wth?!?!?!) loudly or something, but let me tell you guys THE ORIGINAL STORY behind Mr. art-teacher's most UN-truthful story.
So here's the thing. It started by when my brother and him were talking about beans..
my brother: Oh, we eat beans mixed with our rice!
mr.art-teacher: OH.. then your sister must be..farting alot?
my brother: ........?
ME: WTH?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sometimes, as much as I understand, there're loads of things which I don't. Like how Maria said "kimmy you're so obedient" in a sarcastic way just because I sat at the place where my geography teacher told me to. WHAT'S SO WRONG ABOUT BEING OBEDIENT? There are tons of people who ARE obedient and who's doing just fine! E.g : -

1.Taylor swift ^__^

She's the best.

Say hi to taylor everybody! : )

At break time yesterday, I suppose we had one of the best foods in our school. Spaghetti with meatballs. It was REALLY REALLY REALLY DEE-licious! I'm telling you, our school food improved ALOT lately!

Anyways, as you can see, my background changed to this really nice one :) I hope. Want to know who changed it for me? MARIAA! yeah, she was really kind enough to teach me, thank you mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(although you say stuff which I don't really like to hear, you're still my cutie)!

signing off.



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